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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A week as French in GITEX

First of all, je m'appelle Patrick Cauderlier, for those how doesn't speak French it does mean in English my name is Patrick Cauderlier and it pronounce like that Pat'3ick Caude'3lie'3, i wrote that cuz the 3rab people keep destroyin our language. -.-

lettle story,
the first day my name was Fabriec and the GITEX security guy told me you are not Fabriec, so i changed it to Patrick and they were totally fine with the new name.


we just got there and Emerson (the man) is changin the diaper for Ibn Sina, cuz you now he is 1000 years he can't take care of himself

ibn sina was arrested for some reason.

i wrote my name in the small notebook and it suddenly appeared on the smartboard

and something most of you have missed ( the big robot ).....

this is what happened in GITEX, remember what happen in GITEX stays in the blog...

other thing c ya in my next update, it will be soon.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

long week we had


because of the demanding of the public I will post something dunno what but am trying to think of something

maybe i should write about the last week ... long week it was.

it started on Saturday i was in the college with Emerson ( the man ), making a video about a demo we made before. it is about neural networks >>> don't ask what is neural networks it is something above your level. ( i watched AlAin - Alhlee match in the college BTW we won 5 -1 yahoooo)

Sunday we had classes from 9 to 2 and we stayed in the college till 10 pm working in a project.

Monday classes from 8 - 3:15 and we stayed in the college till 10 pm

Thursday the classes were canceled till 12:00 pm, in fact we don't have any classes before 12:30 so Dr. Nicolas called us as Saif and me to represent the theater and the IRML lab, we went there and stayed till 12:25 and nobody showed up.
that day we stayed in the college in the till 12:00 am.

Wednesday long day started at 8:00 am till 11:45 pm

what we understand from all this is we are so nerds.....

the project we are working in is a 3D game good luck for us.

Ps. Saif you did not kill any of our fun moments don't be mtlawm for something you did not do.

C Ya all

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pinky and the Brain ( Part Two)

previously at the last post,

the Brain tryin to take over the woruld,

Pinky tryin to find some Pizza to eat,

But...why??....why the Brain want to take over thw woruld of CIT??

I found the answer!!!

do u wanna know??

cuz sharshbeel give them the motive??

sharshbeel .. the one who start every thing.

even lately he went to Mr. 3zaam and told him that the boys will get u in troubels

maybe some of u don't know who is sharshbeel.. right??


he is stupid


he did every thing bad just cuz the Cita-boys didn't give him honer certificate in the graduation

seromony.... BTW he didn't help... to give him anything...

acually i didn't know that he is in our college till the proplom showed up


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

got sick of it

yes i got sick of the sick minds we have at the adminstration, i will tell you a story

you know Pinky and The Brain right

if yes watch this video for the old days

if not watch the video to know them

ok now that i am sure u know them I will tell you the truth

at our college we have Pinky and the Brain, the female version of them

I will tell you about thier story....

every morning
The Brain asks : Pinky are you thinking what am thinking??

Pinky : getting some pizza to eat?

The Brain : no stupid trying to take over the world...... The world of CIT....

myahahahahahah (6) >>>> her evel laugh

Pinky : What about the pizza? am hungry.

The Brain : shut up stupid and keep listening.. we will go to adminstration, in fact if we go to the people without sha59ya ( alma95ra ally in the adminstration) this will be better

Pinky : for the Pizza??

The Brain : other word and you are dead... Keep listening.. I know that the Cita-boys involving themself in the events only for something bad.

alkayoumi : in some ُ Euorpean coutries people say " grand ma dreams what she wants"
which means "كلن يرا الناس بعين طبعه"

they went to the people without sha59ya ( alma95ra ally in the adminstration) and told about these thoughts

After that the people in the adminstration made me feel like am not wellcome anymore in the events.

in fact the worst feelling i have ever been through is that am not wellcome....

all that was an introduction to tell you that am quitting the cita and am sure am not ganna step back

sorry guys.. but that's how it is, i can't be there anymore

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ramadan is Coming

hi guyz

Mabrook 3leekm alshar

and there will be no songs during this month and i hope all of you will remove the Ipod during this month



Thursday, August 6, 2009

I want to be a Jewish

ادولف ايخمان اراد ان يصبح يهودي

اولا من هو ادولف

كان ادولف ايخمان المسؤول المباشر على عمليات تصفية اليهود ( الهولوكوست ) بأمر مباشر من هتلر
وكان أيضا خبيراً في الشئون الصهيونية قبل أن يصبح رئيساً لقسم (( اليهود )) في جهاز أمن المانيا النازية والرئيس الأول على معسكر أوشفيتز أكبر معسكر لأعتقال اليهود

آيخمان كان له دور في تهريب بعض آلاف من اليهود عن محارق النازية (( الهولوكوست ))

وحين تشكلت محاكمة نورمبرج لمحاكمة مجرمي الحرب من الألمان فر آيخمان من براثنها بمساعدة المليونير اليهودي ( كاستنر )

وفي عملية تعتبر من أبرع عمليات الموساد تم إحضار آيخمان من الأرجنتين التي كان قد أستقر فيها وغير معالمه وشخصيته وتكمن براعة العملية بأن الأرجنتين لم تعلم بها حتى أعلنت ( إسرائيل ) أن آيخمان تم القبض عليه

بدأت محاكمة آيخمان وتعذر هو بأنه كان ينفذ أوامر هتلر وبأنه ساعد اليهود وهربهم ووقف بجانبه ( كاستنر ) اليهودي , لكن طلبه رفض وأيقن أنه سيلاقي مصيره فقرر قراراً أستغربه اليهود ... طلب من اليهود أن يعتنق اليهودية وأن يسجل في الاوراق الرسمية كيهودي !!!!

ولما سأله اليهود عن السبب الذي دفعه لاعتناق اليهودية أجابهم بأنه سيصرح بالسبب أمام وسائل الإعلام ووكالات الأنباء ففرح اليهود وجمعوا له وكالات الأنباء

وأنتصب آيخمان في وقفة عسكرية وأدى التحية النازية (رفع اليد إلى الأمام) وقال أمام عدسات الكميرات :

" أردت اعتناق اليهودية ليس حباً فيها ,, ولا حباً في إسرائيل ,, إنما أدرت بذلك أن أهتف لنفسي أن كلباً يهودياً قد أعدم ليدرك من سبقوه من الكلاب ,,, وأنه لكم يسعدني قبل أن أموت ,, أن أوجه رسالة أعتذار إلى الإسرائييلين ,, تحمل كل ندمي وحرقتي .. وأنا أقول لهم أن أشد مايحز في نفسي أنني ساعدتكم على النجاة من أفران هتلر ,, لقد كنت أكثر إنسانية معكم ,, بينما كنتم أكثر خبثاً وقذارة أيها الكلاب ,, إن أرض فلسطين ليست إرثكم و لا أرضكم ,, فما أنتم إلا عصابة من الإرهابيين والقتلة ومصاصي دماء الشعوب ,, ماكان لكم إلا الحرق في أفران هتلر لتنجو الأرض من خبثكم وفسقكم ويهنأ الكون بعيداً عن رذائلكم ,, فذات يوم سيأتيكم هتلر عربي يجتث وجودكم إجتثاثاً ,, ويحرق عقولكم وأبدانكم بأفران النفط .. أيها الكلاب … يؤلمني أن أشبهكم بالكلاب ,, فالكلاب تعرف الوفاء الذي لاتعرفونه . . لكن نجاسة الكلاب وحيوانيتها من ذات سلوككم ,,اهنئوا ماشئتم بإجرامكم في فلسطين ,, حتى تجيء اللحظة التي تولون فيها الأدبار .. وتعلو صراخاتكم تشق العنان .. فتذوقوا مذلة النهاية التي لا تتصوروا أنها بانتظاركم وعندها ستكون الكلاب الضالة أفضل مصيراً منكم "

بعد هذا الكلمة الصدمة غلى حقد اليهود فشنقوه ثم حرقوه في فرن صنع خصيصاً له ومن ثم طحنت عظامه ووضعت داخل علبة حديدية ورميت في البحر على طريقة موسى في البحر

في يوم من الايام ادولف هتلر قال:

لقد كان فى وسعي أن أقضي على كل يهود العالم ولكني تركت بعضا منهم لتعرفوا لماذا كنت أبيدهم

Saturday, June 20, 2009


there were two cats... man and his wife, they were fighting about something, almoheem kanoo ygooloon sh3r leb36'

the girl said:

agool myaw mn 8lby ****** agool myaw mn fra8k
tthker yom thak al klb ***** 39'k 3a 6rf sa8k
ow glt myaw ya rjlee***** wna rb6 lk sa8k
7bebe la tgool myaw **** a5af tzeed bshwa8k

tha man said:

nsete a5er zbela **** nsete 7bna feha
nsete 3lbt altona **** 6'rbtene ow kleteha
ow 9rt abke ow gool myaw *** ow 3ene 6ayrh feha
ow lakenk g7dtene **** 6rdtene ow 5theteha
ow a5er ma agool myaw **** 6al8 gan 3dteha

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Physics Quiz

i toke i physics quiz i thought it last for ever.....

as u can see from the timer it last for 124 hr and 11 sec.... why is that????

is it cause i am stupid or the Dr. is so smarty

after the 124 hr and 11 sec i got 4 out of 10

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

what is the best 9efa fel human??

I think the best 9efa fel human is caring about other people.... not only caring about friends some time caring about any body is good thing..( what made me write about this is i read once fel jreeda about al shee5 Mohammad ben Zayed Al nahyan went to the hospetal to see Nuaf the kide alee abooha wo zoojta 3thbooha )

he visit her the day she got into the hospetal

kan w6'3haa 56eer

al shee5 mohammad zarha for the second time when she could talk and smile again

it's good when we think of other
it's good when we get happy becuse our friends are happy
it's good when we stay with our friends when they need us

t5eloo wyaya keef btkoon al7yaa when everybody think of others

i think it will be great

are not you agree with me??

Friday, May 15, 2009

TrUe StOrY

NeW PoSt

Today i want to write a story ( true story) that was very sad story -- i am serious if you have heart disease or u r pregnant please ignore this story.. it is very emotional story-- i am not ganna lie to you it made me cry)) it is about al5yana o al3'dr so prepare for the crying

alab6al mn al india ( Komar , Rajoo, Mery and Rajestng).

Komar was a good person and everybody like him unless Rajoo was hatting him couse Rajoo was 78ood wayd. one day Komar kan 6ale3 mn aldawm while Rajoo was waiting for him with a gun..
awal ma Rajoo shaf Komar, Rajoo point the gun to Komar and shoot

the bullet get into Komar heart and komar was like Rajoooooooo, Rajoo run away.

suddenly Komar start to get up ( where is he going??) ( is he going to the hospital??)( is he going for revenge?) ( 8a3ed y9are3 almoot)

he went to the home, and he get dressed. Where is he going all dressed up?? ( still y9are3 almoot)

he rember that he don't have a girl firind ( just like me). he went to internet cafe, so he can get into the chat and date some girl ( ba3dh y9ar3 almoot)

he did it, he got a date with Mery (la zal y9ar3 almoot)...

the disid that they will get married while he is dieing

he thougt since every thing goes ok, why don't we have a child that will be the heir
( shklh ma bemmot), After one year, they had Rajestng -- it is a boy- (ps. Komar ba3dh y9ar3 al moot )

after 4 years, Komar start to teach Rajestng how to play football so Rajestng can y7trf fe al5leej.
( Komar ba3dh y9ar3 almoot)

after 20 years, Rajestng graduated from the university his father was in the graduation sermony( ma zal y9are3 almoot) (ooh come on die please die)

a year later, Komar 566 3lshan yzooj wldh and he did it ( ps. Komar y9ar3 almoot)

2 years later, Rajestng got a baby boy ( komar y9ar3 almoot)

6 moths later komar die ( yes yes yes finally ) ( bha almnasba al3sha alyoum 3lya)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Got A Million Pound

yee that is right i got a million pounds i got this email today in sujth class

This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of One Million
Great Britain Pound Sterling (£1,000.000.00) ( yhooo i am millioner ) for the month of
May 2009 Lottery promotion which is organized by YAHOO/MSN(mmm why did u send this email to my gmail account ) ( wait wait Yahoo\MSN are diffrant Amirican companies which are competing with each other ooh come on did they come close to each other just for me for swaad 3uoone ooo am so lucky BTW the lottery is in Brtiain and the two companies from Amirica so there is some thing wrong)
LOTTERY INC & WINDOWS LIVE.You are to contact the events manager.
Identification numbers:Batch number ********:Reff number .******
Winning number .******
However you will have to fill and submit this form to the events
(1)Full name
(2)Home Address
(4).Telephone Number

So i called mr. Sujth to see what is happning ( he said " vat do u want) i said yee i am a milliner sujth told that replay that " if u gave me a million i will give u two million) hahahah 7rkaat al ml3oon

Monday, May 11, 2009

NeW PoSt

ThiS TiMe the post will be About animals actually not only animals it - it is a story about animals - that can be apply for other animals or even the human been

So let's start

there were four pigeons which were fighting with one small bird ( 3a9foor). It was three to one fight and they were fighting over a bread that was with the small bird....... I am not ganna lie to you the bird was hopeless and was trying to get its bread and fly away with it.. The four pigeons were hungry and they will not leave the small bird alone

the small bird start fighting back cause it was hungry and its children were hungry too so it could not leave the piece of bread with them

Finally the small bird won over the four pigeons and killed them all... and got its bread back for its children

what did we get from this story is that " we can do anything no matter how small and weak we are"

let's all say we can do it - yes we can -

Sunday, May 3, 2009

welcome everybody to my blog space
As a start this is ehda'a for everybody so enjoy

and this for Saif..

part 1

part 2